Employment Oriented IT Trainings Region's First Ever Technological Hub
for emerging technologies with a special focus on Skills of 21st century
aligned with National Vocational Qualification Framework level 0-5.
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  • IT Trainings
  • Women Focused Trainings
  • Corporate Trainings
  • Vendor Based Trainings
  • Teacher’s Trainings

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employement focus

Employment Focus

  • Freelancing
  • Local Job Market
  • CPEC
  • Overseas

EXPLORE Opportunities
research development

Research & Development

  • International Research & Development Center
  • Creative Commerce Group
  • Interactive Content Development
  • Online Deen

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Browse Our Top Courses

Learn Web Development – Web Development & Design Courses and Training - Success starts here

Learning is complex and overwhelming sometimes but our IT course classes are designed to make learning easy for you and boost your career.

Learn Web Development – UI/UX Courses and Training – Success starts here


Government Certified Center with International Partnerships with Cisco, Microsoft, etc...

KITAAS IT Institute enjoys the pride of being partners with Government Organizations like the National Vocational Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Punjab Skills Development Fund (PDF), and Punjab Skills Development Authority (PSDA) and multinational companies like CISCO, MICROSOFT, and EC Council.
IT Skill

IT Skills and Training that lead to Internships that lead to Jobs

Employment Focused IT Training Center Regions 1st ever technology hub for emerging technology with a special focus on skills of the 21st century aligned with national vocational qualification framed level 0-5

Limitless learning, more possibilities

Browse our courses that will lead you to the world's Top required skills

Our Achievements

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. (Rumi)




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